Install for Python
Install from pypi
pip install imgui-bundle # (1)
pip install opencv-python # (2)
pip install pyGLM # (3)
imgui_bundle: Binary wheels are available for Windows, MacOS and Linux. If a compilation from source is needed, the build process might take up to 5 minutes, and will require an internet connection.
OpenCV: in order to run the immvision module, install opencv-python. The alternative OpenCV versions, such as opencv-python-headless (headless) opencv-contrib-python (with extra modules) also work.
pyGLM: in order to run the demo, install pyGLM
Platform notes
Windows: Under windows, you might need to install msvc redist.
macOS : under macOS, if a binary wheel is not available (e.g. for older macOS versions), pip will try to compile from source. This might fail if you do not have XCode installed. In this case, install imgui-bundle with the following command
SYSTEM_VERSION_COMPAT=0 pip install --only-binary=:all: imgui_bundle
Install from source
git clone
cd imgui_bundle
git submodule update --init --recursive # (1)
pip install -v . # (2)
pip install opencv-python
pip install pyGLM
Since there are lots of submodules, this might take a few minutes
The build process might take up to 5 minutes
Run the python demo
Simply run demo_imgui_bundle
The source for the demos can be found inside bindings/imgui_bundle/demos_python.
Consider demo_imgui_bundle as an always available manual for Dear ImGui Bundle with lots of examples and related code source.