Build and install instructions
Install for Python
Install from pypi
pip install imgui-bundle
pip install opencv-contrib-python # (1)
in order to run the immvision module, install opencv-python or opencv-contrib-python
Note: under windows, you might need to install msvc redist.
Install from source:
git clone
cd imgui_bundle
git submodule update --init --recursive # (1)
pip install -v . # (2)
pip install opencv-contrib-python
Since there are lots of submodules, this might take a few minutes
The build process might take up to 5 minutes
Run the python demo
Simply run demo_imgui_bundle
The source for the demos can be found inside bindings/imgui_bundle/demos_python.
Consider demo_imgui_bundle as an always available manual for Dear ImGui Bundle with lots of examples and related code source.
Install for C++
Click to expand
import os.path
import numpy as np
from typing import Any
from numpy.typing import NDArray
from enum import Enum
import cv2 # type: ignore
import math
from imgui_bundle import imgui, immvision, immapp, imgui_md
from imgui_bundle.demos_python import demo_utils
ImageRgb = NDArray[np.uint8]
ImageFloat = NDArray[np.floating[Any]]
class SobelParams:
"""The parameters for our image processing pipeline"""
class Orientation(Enum):
Horizontal = 0
Vertical = 1
blur_size = 1.25
deriv_order = 1 # order of the derivative
k_size = 7 # size of the extended Sobel kernel it must be 1, 3, 5, or 7 (or -1 for Scharr)
orientation: Orientation = Orientation.Vertical
def compute_sobel(image: ImageRgb, params: SobelParams) -> ImageFloat:
"""Our image processing pipeline"""
gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
img_float = gray / 255.0
blurred = cv2.GaussianBlur(
img_float, (0, 0), sigmaX=params.blur_size, sigmaY=params.blur_size
good_scale = 1.0 / math.pow(2.0, (params.k_size - 2 * params.deriv_order - 2))
if params.orientation == SobelParams.Orientation.Vertical:
dx = params.deriv_order
dy = 0
dx = 0
dy = params.deriv_order
r = cv2.Sobel(
blurred, ddepth=cv2.CV_64F, dx=dx, dy=dy, ksize=params.k_size, scale=good_scale
return r
def gui_sobel_params(params: SobelParams) -> bool:
"""A GUI to edit the parameters for our image processing pipeline"""
changed = False
# Blur size
imgui.set_next_item_width(immapp.em_size() * 10)
c, params.blur_size = imgui.slider_float("Blur size", params.blur_size, 0.5, 10)
if c:
changed = True
imgui.text(" | ")
# Deriv order
imgui.text("Deriv order")
for deriv_order in (1, 2, 3, 4):
c, params.deriv_order = imgui.radio_button(
str(deriv_order), params.deriv_order, deriv_order
if c:
changed = True
imgui.text(" | ")
if imgui.radio_button(
"Horizontal", params.orientation == SobelParams.Orientation.Horizontal
changed = True
params.orientation = SobelParams.Orientation.Horizontal
if imgui.radio_button(
"Vertical", params.orientation == SobelParams.Orientation.Vertical
changed = True
params.orientation = SobelParams.Orientation.Vertical
return changed
# Our Application State contains:
# - the original & processed image (image & imageSobel)
# - our parameters for the processing pipeline (sobelParams)
# - parameters to display the images via ImmVision: they share the same zoom key,
# so that we can move the two image in sync
class AppState:
image: ImageRgb
image_sobel: ImageFloat
sobel_params: SobelParams
immvision_params: immvision.ImageParams
immvision_params_sobel: immvision.ImageParams
def __init__(self, image_file: str):
self.image = cv2.imread(image_file)
self.sobel_params = SobelParams()
self.image_sobel = compute_sobel(self.image, self.sobel_params)
self.immvision_params = immvision.ImageParams()
self.immvision_params.image_display_size = (int(immapp.em_size(22)), 0)
self.immvision_params.zoom_key = "z"
self.immvision_params_sobel = immvision.ImageParams()
self.immvision_params_sobel.image_display_size = (int(immapp.em_size(22)), 0)
self.immvision_params_sobel.zoom_key = "z"
self.immvision_params_sobel.show_options_panel = True
# Our GUI function
# (which instantiates a static app state at startup)
def demo_gui():
static = demo_gui
if static.app_state is None:
this_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
static.app_state = AppState(this_dir + "/../../demos_assets/images/house.jpg")
This example shows a example of image processing (sobel filter) where you can adjust the params and see their effect in real time.
* Pan and zoom the image with the mouse and the mouse wheel
* Apply Colormaps to the filtered image in the options tab.
changed = gui_sobel_params(static.app_state.sobel_params)
if changed:
static.app_state.image_sobel = compute_sobel(
static.app_state.image, static.app_state.sobel_params
static.app_state.immvision_params_sobel.refresh_image = changed
"Original", static.app_state.image, static.app_state.immvision_params
"Deriv", static.app_state.image_sobel, static.app_state.immvision_params_sobel
# The main entry point will run our GUI function
if __name__ == "__main__":
immapp.run_with_markdown(demo_gui, window_size=(1000, 1000))
==== Integrate Dear ImGui Bundle in your own project in 5 minutes
The easiest way to use Dear ImGui Bundle in an external project is to use the template available at
This template includes everything you need to set up your own project.
==== Build from source
If you choose to clone this repo, follow these instructions:
git clone
cd imgui_bundle
git submodule update --init --recursive # (1)
mkdir build
cd build
make -j
Since there are lots of submodules, this might take a few minutes
The flag
is optional. If set, a minimal version of OpenCV will be downloaded a compiled at this stage (this might require a few minutes)
==== Run the C++ demo
If you built ImGuiBundle from source, Simply run build/bin/demo_imgui_bundle
The source for the demos can be found inside bindings/imgui_bundle/demos_cpp.
Consider demo_imgui_bundle as a manual with lots of examples and related code source. It is always available online