Pypi bundle package distribution

In order to create a new version,

  1. Modify the version number in and CMakeList.txt

  2. Create a release on GitHub, and give it a new tag (e.g. v0.8.3) Wheels will be uploaded to pypi

  3. Manually build and upload the macOS_arm64 wheel:

the wheel build on an Intel Mac may try and fail to load Intel iPPIcv), this is why it shall be built on an M1 Mac.

Build / Mac arm64 via cibuildwheel

rm -rf _skbuild
CIBW_ARCHS_MACOS="arm64" pipx run cibuildwheel --platform=macos && say "wheel build finished"

twine upload wheelhouse/*


CIBW_ARCHS_MACOS="arm64" CIBW_BUILD="cp311-* cp312-*"  pipx run cibuildwheel --platform=macos

Build and deploy to pypi via twine (obsolete)

python3 -m build --wheel  --sdist .
python3 -m build --sdist .

# or
python3 -m build  .

# then

twine upload dist/*

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